Tuesday, May 19, 2015

LLBean Mission Statement - Golden Rule ...

The mission statement of LL Bean catalogs and shops is a combination of the golden rule LL Bean, customer satisfaction and value for all interactions. (See full report of the mission, vision and values of LL Bean under.)

LLBean Founders Facts and Trivia

LL Bean was founded in 1912 by Leon Leon Wood Bean, a hunter who has developed and manufactured by mail to a mailing list of the holders of hunting licenses a hunting boat then sold. Retail sales have been made through the catalog until the LL Bean flagship store in Freeport Maine opened in 1951. The first store was LL Bean 24/7 operation that certainly a common practice in retail time it was not.

LLBean seat:

The headquarters is located in Freeport LL Bean, Maine, near its flagship store.

The declaration of LL Bean stores and catalogs Mission:

Although not marked a "Code" words, which have led the company and the employees LL Bean has been the same since the founder Leon Leon Wood Bean wrote first, known as "the golden rule of LL." LL Bean's mission to live the Golden Rule ...

"Sell good merchandise at a reasonable profit, treat your customers like human beings and they will always come back for more."

Guidelines for what "treat your customers like human beings," says customer-centric philosophy LL Bean in a way that often in and out of the retail industry is quoted. "What is a customer?" After LLBean ...

"A customer is the most important person in the company's history - personally or by mail.

A customer is not dependent on us, we're on it. A customer is not an interruption of our work, which is the purpose.

We do you a favor, you do us a favor by giving us the opportunity.

A customer is not someone to argue or match mind. Nobody ever won an argument with a customer.

A customer is someone who puts his needs. It is our duty to manage for him and profitable for ourselves so ".

In addition, before the word "stakeholder" was a term generally understood, the LL Bean company have a policy for all stakeholders, including customers, employees, shareholders, suppliers, communities and the environment. Political actors LL Bean is ...

"As a company focused on values, LL Bean should try to add value to all who have an interest in the company. Success LL Bean depends on how the company complies with the objectives of the stakeholders."

For more information about mission statements of American society, history and place of business:

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Photo credit: Reprinted with permission LLBean.com

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